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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Why This Blog, And Why Now?

Friends -

I've spent 10+ years in the non-profit and social entrepreneurship sector, sometimes as a peon, sometimes as a director, and other times as a founder and manager. In all those years, I've had many questions about how things work and how I can make them better. In talking with peers and colleagues, and then setting out on my own as a consultant - I've realized that the only thing holding people back as entrepreneurs either in business or the nonprofit sector is fear. (My own included!)

My goal is to help demystify some of the most "feared" parts of running/starting a nonprofit and small business, based on my experience and that of my most trusted friends and associates. I am presenting opinion, and sometimes my own conjecture and worldview - please feel free to challenge me and to add to this knowledge base with your own thoughts and expertise.

All of us have the ability to either start something of our own, or plug into a movement, an organization, or a business ethic that can make the world a better place. My goal is to start and continue the dialogue that can sustain our momentum towards making things better, one conversation at a time.

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